
ACE Exam Result


Hi There ,

I appeared my ACE exam couple of days back. 

I haven't received any communication around the result so far. Will that take longer or when should i expect it with me.?

Also if there is any self paced course for the next level as well?


Best answer by Gaurav_Saxena 11 June 2020, 13:00

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16 replies


It will take 3-5 working days

I joined your invitation link as zoom meeting but there are no hosting access for me.

So, I left that exam.

If I can get back to test exam, I want to test tomorrow. Thanks

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Gaurav Saxena Correct - thank you!

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Pyae Phyo Aung When did you schedule the exam? Please schedule within the final module of Teachable - be mindful of time zone. You will receive a Zoom link via email and exam logistics and instructions will be explained on that call.

I have used coupn but i did not have the access to compelte training and unlock


Katie Holms will the exam logistics be explained only at the scheduled time and date or before the exam?

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Peter Lasode Exam logistics are covered in the final module of Teachable titled "About the Exam." Once you schedule, you will also receive all exam logistics and instructions on the call.

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Zeeshan The coupon grants full access to the training. If modules are locked, it means you did not complete at least 90% of the previous module and/or score at least 70% on each lesson check.


Katie Holms I have scheduled the exam for 18th, what I want to know is if the exam will be done on the call or will there be a link ? It seems I can only join us he meeting at the scheduled time

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Peter Lasode The exam will happen during the time of the call. You should have received a calendar confirmation that blocks 60 minutes for the exam.


Katie Holms okay, thank you


Katie Holms I also attended exam successfully  by June 16th, 2020 and still Did not received result and certificate or Badge. Just want to know when I will result?

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Azim Mahadik We will be sending out results tomorrow. Thank you for your patience. 


Katie Holms  I have attended the training and appeared for exam on June 23rd, 2020 and still didn't receive the result or certificate. Could you please help me with an update?

I have done the aviatrix ace exam the 9 March but I don’t receive my result 

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yvju Please scan your inbox/junk from an email from 
