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" Some controls have been disabled because you are missing the correct permission(s). The missing permission(s) are: aws-marketplace:ViewSubscriptions, aws-marketplace:Subscribe. "

Could anyone help to solve this issue?

Are you using the root AWS account?

How aviatrix helps to non IT students like commerce students 

Shahzad Ali No sir, I am using AWS Educate account. 

Ravi Shankar Yadav Did you subscribe to Aviatrix Controller in the AWS marketplace?

Shajahanmothi2000 Aviatrix is helping non IT students as well. If you are commerce or eCommerce student and want to learn Cloud Networking or want to build Network for your eCommerece web site for your company, Aviatrix can help you. For example the Aviatrix Egress FQDN GW eliminates the need to deploy the AWS NAT GW. And also give you egress traffic filter option using L7 FQDN based rules.

Shahzad Ali While subscribing to Aviatrix Controller in the AWS marketplace only, I am facing this problem.

Ravi Shankar Yadav It means you do not have proper permissions for this account. Can you try with your personal account with root permission to verify? You can immediately delete the Controller to avoid charges.
