Hello Aviatrix Community,
I am experimenting with the Terraform provider. I cannot seem to get the aviatrix_spoke_transit_attachment to work. I keep getting the error below, and it appears to be a catch 22? It is requiring that activemesh be disabled, but activemesh doesn't appear to be capable of being disabled when provisioning a transit or spoke via those Terraform resources. I've attempted to explicitly set the activemesh to disabled, but it turns on anyways & taints that TF resource.
With that said, I can attach my terraform-generated gateways in the Controller GUI (version 6.6) without issue, and I can replicate those URL Encoded actions via Python Requests without issue.
Does anyone know any workarounds or simply point out what I am doing wrong?
│ Error: couldn't disable Active Mode for Aviatrix Transit Gateway: rest API disable_gateway_activemesh Post failed: Valid action required: disable_gateway_activemesh
│ with aviatrix_transit_gateway.AWS-US-E2-TRNST-GW,
│ on main.tf line 72, in resource "aviatrix_transit_gateway" "AWS-US-E2-TRNST-GW":
│ 72: resource "aviatrix_transit_gateway" "AWS-US-E2-TRNST-GW" {
│ Error: couldn't disable Active Mode for Aviatrix Spoke Gateway: rest API disable_gateway_activemesh Post failed: Valid action required: disable_gateway_activemesh
│ with aviatrix_spoke_gateway.AWS-US-E2-SHR-SVCS-SPOKE-GW,
│ on main.tf line 88, in resource "aviatrix_spoke_gateway" "AWS-US-E2-SHR-SVCS-SPOKE-GW":
│ 88: resource "aviatrix_spoke_gateway" "AWS-US-E2-SHR-SVCS-SPOKE-GW" {
│ Error: couldn't disable Active Mode for Aviatrix Spoke Gateway: rest API disable_gateway_activemesh Post failed: Valid action required: disable_gateway_activemesh
│ with aviatrix_spoke_gateway.AWS-US-W2-BU1-MONO-SPOKE-GW,
│ on main.tf line 105, in resource "aviatrix_spoke_gateway" "AWS-US-W2-BU1-MONO-SPOKE-GW":
│ 105: resource "aviatrix_spoke_gateway" "AWS-US-W2-BU1-MONO-SPOKE-GW" {
# Configure Aviatrix provider source and version
terraform {
required_providers {
aviatrix = {
source = "AviatrixSystems/aviatrix"
version = "2.20.1"
# Configure Aviatrix provider
provider "aviatrix" {
controller_ip = var.controller_ip
username = "admin"
password = "P@ssw0rd"
skip_version_validation = true
# Onboard AWS Account
resource "aviatrix_account" "aws_account" {
account_name = var.aws_acct_num
cloud_type = 1
aws_iam = false
aws_account_number = var.aws_acct_num
aws_access_key = var.aws_key_id
aws_secret_key = var.aws_key_value
# Create US-East-2 Transit VPC
resource "aviatrix_vpc" "AWS-US-E2-TRNST-VPC" {
cloud_type = 1
account_name = var.aws_acct_num
region = "us-east-2"
name = "AWS-US-E2-TRNST-VPC"
cidr = ""
aviatrix_transit_vpc = true
aviatrix_firenet_vpc = false
depends_on = d
# Create US-East-2 Shared Services VPC
resource "aviatrix_vpc" "AWS-US-E2-SHR-SVCS-VPC" {
cloud_type = 1
account_name = var.aws_acct_num
region = "us-east-2"
cidr = ""
aviatrix_transit_vpc = false
aviatrix_firenet_vpc = false
depends_on = d
# Create US-WEST-2 BU1 VPC
resource "aviatrix_vpc" "AWS-US-W2-BU1-MONO-VPC" {
cloud_type = 1
account_name = var.aws_acct_num
region = "us-west-2"
name = "AWS-US-W2-BU1-MONO-VPC"
cidr = ""
aviatrix_transit_vpc = false
aviatrix_firenet_vpc = false
depends_on = d
# Create an Aviatrix AWS Transit Network Gateway
resource "aviatrix_transit_gateway" "AWS-US-E2-TRNST-GW" {
cloud_type = 1
account_name = var.aws_acct_num
gw_name = "AWS-US-E2-TRNST-GW"
vpc_id = aviatrix_vpc.AWS-US-E2-TRNST-VPC.vpc_id
vpc_reg = "us-east-2"
gw_size = "t2.micro"
subnet = aviatrix_vpc.AWS-US-E2-TRNST-VPC.public_subnets 0].cidr
tags = {
name = "aviatrix"
enable_hybrid_connection = false
connected_transit = true
enable_active_mesh = false
# Create an Aviatrix AWS SS Spoke Gateway
resource "aviatrix_spoke_gateway" "AWS-US-E2-SHR-SVCS-SPOKE-GW" {
cloud_type = 1
account_name = var.aws_acct_num
vpc_id = aviatrix_vpc.AWS-US-E2-SHR-SVCS-VPC.vpc_id
vpc_reg = "us-east-2"
gw_size = "t2.micro"
subnet = aviatrix_vpc.AWS-US-E2-SHR-SVCS-VPC.public_subnetsi0].cidr
single_ip_snat = false
manage_transit_gateway_attachment = false
allocate_new_eip = true
enable_active_mesh = false
tags = {
name = "aviatrix"
# Create an Aviatrix AWS BU1 Spoke Gateway
resource "aviatrix_spoke_gateway" "AWS-US-W2-BU1-MONO-SPOKE-GW" {
cloud_type = 1
account_name = var.aws_acct_num
gw_name = "AWS-US-W2-BU1-MONO-SPOKE-GW"
vpc_id = aviatrix_vpc.AWS-US-W2-BU1-MONO-VPC.vpc_id
vpc_reg = "us-west-2"
gw_size = "t2.micro"
subnet = aviatrix_vpc.AWS-US-W2-BU1-MONO-VPC.public_subnetsi0].cidr
single_ip_snat = false
manage_transit_gateway_attachment = false
allocate_new_eip = true
enable_active_mesh = false
tags = {
name = "aviatrix"
# Create an Aviatrix Spoke Transit Attachment
resource "aviatrix_spoke_transit_attachment" "SS-SPOKE_TRNST_ATTACHMENT" {
spoke_gw_name = aviatrix_spoke_gateway.AWS-US-E2-SHR-SVCS-SPOKE-GW.gw_name
transit_gw_name = aviatrix_transit_gateway.AWS-US-E2-TRNST-GW.gw_name
resource "aviatrix_spoke_transit_attachment" "BU1-SPOKE_TRNST_ATTACHMENT" {
spoke_gw_name = aviatrix_spoke_gateway.AWS-US-W2-BU1-MONO-SPOKE-GW.gw_name
transit_gw_name = aviatrix_transit_gateway.AWS-US-E2-TRNST-GW.gw_name