I have spent probably 5 hours on trying to get a controller deployed into AWS. Using the information here:https://docs.aviatrix.com/StartUpGuides/aviatrix-cloud-controller-startup-guide.html
After the first time I attempted it, I am to log into the controller and reset the password. I, then, failed to add my AWS account using the wizard from the first screen.
The error message tells me the role "aviatrix-role-ec2" is not assigned and go to the link above and re-run the cloudformation.
I have attempted to run this. However, when I am setting up template to deploy the system through Cloud formation is failed because the role "aviatrix-role-ec2" exists. However, if I go to IAM, it is NOT there, but for some reason, on the Cloudformation Stack Step 2: IAM role creation, it is listed. Yes, I've tried to use and it still failed.
So I think I have the following two options:
1) figure out how to remove the 'ghosting' IAM role
2) figure out how to manually configure everything to work with the instance.
There doesn't seem to be anyway to manually deploy or delete the settings for the controller in case there was something wrong when running Cloudformation.
Thanks everyone for the help. Here's the way I went about to fix it:
I setup an Amazon Linux 2 VM in VMware Workstation
- Info: https://aws.amazon.com/amazon-linux-2/
- Download: https://cdn.amazonlinux.com/os-images/2.0.20200602.0/vmware/
After importing the VM, you need to fix the passwords and SSH configuration. I followed Shehu Awwal's blog: https://medium.com/shehuawwal/download-and-run-amazon-linux-2-ami-locally-on-your-virtualbox-or-vmware-b554a98dcb1c
Then, you need to create a user at the IAM console (https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam) - Guide: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-configure.html
You need to create a Policy with the "iam:DeleteInstanceProfile" action assigned to the above user created in the previous step.
After that, you can follow AWS Guide to deleting IAM Roles: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_roles_manage_delete.html#id_roles_manage_delete_slr
Specifically, I removed the Instance role: "aviatrix-role-ec2"
Re-ran the Cloudformation script and it completed without error.