What books have you been reading to stay on top of your game?!

  • Anonymous
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Hey All, 

I have always been a very avid reader, Some books that have been very influential in my life have been books like “Who moved my Cheese” by Spencer Johnson and “How to win friends and influence people” by Dale Carnegie 

Here are some recent books I have added to my collection and they all have been really insightful 

Zero to One - Peter Thiel
Amp it up - Frank Slootman
The Qualified Sales Leader - John McMahon
5 Why’s - Majed Rajeh
Escaping the Build Trap - Melissa Perri
The Alchemy of Growth - David A White, Mehrdad Baghai and Stephen Coley
The Hybrid cloud Handbook for AWS - Tim McConnaughy


I’ve just started “Cloud Auditing Best Practices” by Shinesa Cambridge and Michael Ratemo and it is pretty darn good!


Please share some of the books you’ve been reading! 


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Thanks for the summer reading list Josh! 

Have you taken a look at “An Insider's Guide to Cloud Computing” by David Linthicum? I’m curious to hear thoughts and reviews!

As a tech geek that’s currently very into the future of neural networks and AI (fueled by this generative AI boom underway), I really enjoyed “The Last Question”, a short story by Isaac Asimov. It’s a 1-hr listen if you’re looking for some quick entertainment! I’m also almost done with “Accelerando” by Charles Stross - it’s a great commentary/dystopian take on capitalism-meets-tech  and how that all plays out. Obviously these are less directly-applicable to everyday work, but I think they’re incredibly valuable as an innovative thinking kick-start. And just fun. 😁

For any marketing geeks, I’m also currently reading “Branding for Buyout” by Ted Schlueter. It’s an excellent book on creating real business value through brand building. 

I recently listened to the audiobook The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz, it's a great memoir/advice book about tech, startups and making hard choices, great insight into the tech industry.


The one i loved about Terraform is :

Terraform: Up and Running (terraformupandrunning.com).

Very interesting when it comes to organizing code repository structure, reducing blast radius when applying a change, creating reusable modules ….
