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5 Cloud Networking Must-Read Stories: October 2023

  • 6 November 2023
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5 Cloud Networking Must-Read Stories: October 2023

Multicloud and security; security and multicloud. If these aren’t recurring themes in your organization’s discussions, you may be in the minority. 


This month’s “must-reads” take on those trends with the real-world context and tips that will help you make good decisions in the planning months ahead. From infrastructure to network and security teams, there’s something to learn for everyone. 



Why Networking Is Key To Multicloud And Hybrid Cloud 

Futuriom released its fourth annual Multicloud Networking (MCN) and Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) Survey this month, revealing some key trends for cloud networking infrastructure. Among the findings, interest and usage of MCN tools is being driven by several goals – including integrating networks with many different types of cloud services, gaining better network visibility and security, managing cloud and infrastructure costs, and diving into new hybrid cloud applications and infrastructure. 



Infrastructure teams need multi-cloud networking and security guardrails 

If your infrastructure, network, and security teams aren’t working together already, it’s time for a change! Esteemed analyst Shamus McGillicuddy makes the case and provides a framework for the transition in this must-read article. Highlighting some disaster stories from the trenches, he shares how self-service networking and security solutions will provide essential guardrails that can foster cooperation and protect organizations from cloud disasters.  



Forrester Identifies Top 10 Cloud Trends in 2023 

Wondering what changed in cloud this year? According to Forrester’s recent report, the AI boom, multicloud complexity, and digital sovereignty are among the key trends impacting the cloud market this year. IT consultant Sean Michael Kerner recaps these trends and more in a fabulous roundup that will only take a few minutes to read. Get ready for an extremely high return on your time investment! 



3 things for your 2024 cloud to-do list 

With the end of the calendar year sneaking up on us, David Linthicum shares the key areas to work on that he’s underscoring for organizations putting together their 2024 budgets. Focusing on access controls, cost optimization, and complexity, he gives the larger industry perspective, foresight, and arguments you need to help your company make good budgeting decisions for the year ahead. 



Microsoft and Google are pushing sovereign cloud options – is AWS? 

New laws are emerging in the EU and elsewhere, driving the major hyperscalers to roll out sovereign cloud offerings. But as Diana Goovaerts points out in this piece, it seems that AWS is not following the pack. She spoke with analyst Roy Chua, who suggested that sovereign cloud operations are leading customers to seeking more controls and automation. 





Default outbound access for VMs in Azure will be retired— transition to a new method of internet access 

Azure released news at the end of last month that’s demands attention from networking teams. It’s decided to disable default internet egress in 2025 for VMs that have no public IP, are not behind an external load balancer with outbound rules, are not behind a NAT gateway, or are note behind an Aviatrix Gateway (okay, we added that last one). Bottom line? They’re forcing a conversation around your explicit method of connectivity. Make your plans now! 


What do you think of these stories? Are you seeing these trends play out in your organization? 

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