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Because Workloads require Internet access, it is essential to keep the rest of the cloud secure when these applications and instances/VMs pull this information from the Internet. A NAT Gateway is supposed to perform this task safely and efficiently. However, this gateway has limitations because it only allows enterprises to configure rules based on the IP (Source, destination, port, and protocol). There is no way to write rules based on the URL or FQDN instead.

Aviatrix provides the FQDN Egress Filter service to make writing rules based on the URL or FQDN possible.

Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) Egress Filter

  1. Go on Controller

  2. Create profiles

  3. Create rules

  4. Push it to the gateways that you want to have access to the Internet

This can be used on public or private subnets to get the enhanced security that the cloud needs. This works by replacing the NAT Gateway with an Aviatrix Gateway inside of the VPC.

Ingress Security (Guard Duty + VPC Ingress Routing)

The AWS GuardDuty is one example of a service that provides ingress security. It is a threat detection service that uses a database to detect malicious IP addresses. However, this service doesn’t take any action on the malicious activity that it finds.

The Aviatrix Guard Duty Enforcement service extends the capabilities of AWS GuardDuty by taking the information from AWS GuardDuty and then automatically triggering the controller into blocking the IP Address, thus contributing to an updated filtering table. Simply, the AWS GuardDuty service is an intrusion detection service, while the Aviatrix Guard Duty Enforcement service is an intrusion prevention service.


For more information, watch the video above.

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